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Winnie Yip (葉頴欣)


葉頴欣,巧克力演藝教育中心藝術總監, 浸會大學電影學院舞蹈科客席講師, 拔萃女小學客席編舞,澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會現代爵士舞註冊教師。畢業於演藝學院舞蹈學院,主修音樂劇舞。畢業後,葉氏多次出國修練肚皮舞,考獲 Suhaila 二級肚皮舞證書,同時積極參與本地專業藝術團體的製作,擔任多齣劇目的演員及編舞工作,如香港話劇團的《新傾城之戀》及香港舞蹈團的《長白情》等。此外,葉氏多年來致力推廣香港舞蹈教育工作,於多間中、小學任教爵士舞及肚皮舞,並於2004, 2015年榮獲校際舞蹈節編舞獎。舞台劇編舞作品有 : 春天舞台的《小海白》、《山水有相逢》、《喝采》、《姆明谷》、《不可思議啊啦叮》。2004 - 2005年,葉氏受聘於美國華特迪士尼公司,在加勒比海迪士尼遊輪DISNEY MAGIC 上當全職演員。2006年代表香港前往卡塔爾‧多哈,為多哈東亞奥運會開幕典禮表演。2007年與香港話劇團合作,到澳門為中學生普及藝術計劃《體驗戲劇多元感受》編舞。過去幾年葉氏為演藝學院暑期音樂劇,如《綠野仙踪 》、《 歌舞青春》、《渾身是勁》及《美女與野獸》等,以及在 2012年為 Theatre Noir 主辨的《花木蘭》編舞,2013年為鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 :《打轉教室》作肚皮舞指導。2015 年贏得 Bellydance Evolution 全球性的比賽, 成為BDE肚皮舞劇”愛麗絲夢遊仙境”世界巡迴演出的舞者。


Our Artistic Director

Winnie Yip – Artistic Director of Chocolate Factory Performing Arts and Education Center, Lecturer of HKBU Film Academy, and Choreographer of Diocesan Girls’ Junior School. Winnie graduated from the School of Dance of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Musical Theatre Dance. After graduation, she pursued the study of belly dance in Hong Kong and overseas, and was eventually awarded the Level Two Belly Dance Certificate from Suhaila Salimpour.

Ms Yip has been actively involved in local performing arts productions, including ‘Love in a Fallen City’ of the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and ‘For the Love of Changbai Mountains Man’ of the Hong Kong Dance Company, as an actress. She was also the choreographer for the musicals ‘Hyper’, ‘Moomin’s Happy Village’, and ‘What’s Up? A-La-Din!’. All the while, Winnie has been teaching jazz dance and belly dance at local schools, winning prizes at the Inter-school Dance Competition including the Choreography Award in 2004 and 2015, and holds a Teacher’s Certificate from The Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing.

In 2004, Winnie joined the Disney Cruise Line of The Walt Disney Company as a full time performer in the Caribbean Sea. In 2006, she represented Hong Kong while performing in the Doha 2006 Asian Games in Qatar. Since, she has choreographed annual musical productions from the HKAPA Summer Musical School including ‘Wizard of Oz’, ‘High School Musical’, ‘Footloose’, and ‘Beauty and the Beast’, as well as Theatre Noir's ‘Mulan’ in 2012.

Further, Winnie was the belly dance coach of ‘Detention’, a Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio production. She was also nominated as a winner at the global belly dance competition ‘Bellydance Evolution’ in 2015; becoming the competition's only winner from Hong Kong. Afterwards, she had the honor to participate at the global belly dance performance ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Today, Ms Yip directs Hong Kong’s leading performing arts center, nurturing students of all ages to realize their complete potential.

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